Corruption. I believe that the single greatest problem in Russia
today is corruption. I wouldn’t try to estimate how great a proportion of GDP
is “taxed” this way, but it is very large. (Others don’t hesitate: 40% or 50%. Surely too high: if that much
went to corruption, the only industries left would be brothels and fast cars!).
Reducing corruption is said to be a high priority of the government, but how
effectively is it being done? According to the Interior
Ministry, 8000 people in the first 6 months of the year were prosecuted: among
them 4 deputy governors, 3 regional ministers, 8 parliamentarians, 12 heads of
municipalities and deputies and 15 heads of local executive power structures.
You can’t say that that is nothing, but you can wonder if it goes high enough: as I’ve
said before, the anti-corruption campaign will really bite when someone in an
office near Medvedev or Putin is arrested. But bit by bit: recently a senior policeman
was arrested and
4 Moscow policemen detained
on suspicion of kidnapping. In an interesting approach, Sberbank posted a list of employees fired for
breach of duty: “We do not want them
to work in the banking system again”.
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