Recently I was presented with the possibility to do two Youtubes by Mel Van Dusen, a videographer in Silicon Valley. Mel was becoming interested in the US-Russia relationship this year, particularly since both countries are involved in Ukraine, a war that could become ominous in the near future.
It was understood that we would just let the camera run, have spontaneous questions and answers, without rehearsing or edits. We taped these two topics, Citizen Diplomacy and Crisis in Ukraine, in mid-March. Mel converted them to Youtubes.
I was not at all pleased with my performance, realizing that I'm not as facile with words and recall as I once was. So I've hesitated to let people know that these Youtubes exist. Today I relooked at both of them, cringed in a few places, and finally decided that I'd send them to you in case you are interested. They are truthful, they present an accurate mini-picture of my sense of Russia, Ukraine and the ethnic Russian people after three decades of work there.
So I send them to you with the hope that you may find something of interest in them,
Sincerely, Sharon
Present! - Sharon Tennison: Citizen Diplomacy ... - YouTube
Present! - Sharon Tennison: Crisis in Ukraine - YouTube
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